List of Stargate literature

This is a list of currently or to be-released Stargate literature.


  • 1 Based on the movie

  • 2 Based on the television series

  • 3 Short fiction

  • 4 References

  • 5 External links

Based on the movie

Original release
001–101 "Stargate"
Dean Devlin & Roland Emmerich
(ghostwriter: Stephen Molstad)
Stargate December, 1994 (December, 1994)
002–102 "Rebellion" Bill McCay One year after Stargate October, 1995 (October, 1995)
003–103 "Retaliation" Bill McCay One week after Rebellion September, 1996 (September, 1996)
004–104 "Retribution" Bill McCay May, 1997 (May, 1997)
005–105 "Reconnaissance" Bill McCay May, 1998 (May, 1998)
006–106 "Resistance" Bill McCay October, 1999 (October, 1999)

Based on the television series

Original release
Novels published by ROC
001–101 "Stargate SG-1" Ashley McConnell "Children of the Gods" October, 1998 (October, 1998)
Stargate SG-1
002–102 "The Price You Pay" Ashley McConnell Season 1 July, 1999 (July, 1999)
Stargate SG-1
003–103 "The First Amendment" Ashley McConnell Season 2 February, 2000 (February, 2000)
Stargate SG-1
004–104 "The Morpheus Factor" Ashley McConnell Season 3 February, 2001 (February, 2001)
Stargate SG-1
Burgschmiet Verlag Novels
001–101 "Kinder der Götter" Martin Eisele "Children of the Gods" 1999 (1999)
Stargate SG-1
002–102 "Der Feind meines Feindes" Wolfgang Hohlbein Season 1 1999 (1999)
Stargate SG-1
003–103 "Kreuzwege der Zeit" Wolfgang Hohlbein TBC 2000 (2000)
Stargate SG-1
004–104 "Jagd ins Ungewisse" Wolfgang Hohlbein Season 1 or 2 2000 (2000)
Stargate SG-1
005–105 "Unsichtbare Feinde" Wolfgang Hohlbein TBC 2001 (2001)
Stargate SG-1
006–106 "Tödlicher Verrat" Wolfgang Hohlbein "Upgrades" September, 2001 (September, 2001)
Stargate SG-1
007–107 "Das Bündis" Frank Rehfeld "The Serpent's Venom" March, 2002 (March, 2002)
Stargate SG-1
Fandemonium Novels
Stargate SG-1
SG1–1 "Trial By Fire" Sabine C. Bauer Season 7 June, 2004 (June, 2004)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–2 "Sacrifice Moon" Julie Fortune Season 1 September, 2004 (September, 2004)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–3 "A Matter of Honor (1 of 2)" Sally Malcolm Season 7 November, 2004 (November, 2004)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–4 "City of the Gods" Sonny Whitelaw Season 5 January, 2005 (January, 2005)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–5 "The Cost of Honor (2 of 2)" Sally Malcolm Season 7 September 9, 2005 (2005-09-09)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–6 "Siren Song" Jaimie Duncan & Holly Scott Season 7 February 7, 2006 (2006-02-07)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–7 "Survival of the Fittest" Sabine C. Bauer Season 5 July 7, 2006 (2006-07-07)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–8 "Alliances" Karen Miller Season 4 September 15, 2006 (2006-09-15)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–9 "Roswell"
Sonny Whitelaw & Jennifer Fallon
Season 10 June 25, 2007 (2007-06-25)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–10 "Relativity" James Swallow Season 7 October, 2007 (October, 2007)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–11 "Barque of Heaven" Suzanne Wood Season 3 February, 2008 (February, 2008)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–12 "Do No Harm" Karen Miller Season 3 June, 2008 (June, 2008)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–13 "Hydra" Jaimie Duncan and Holly Scott Season 5 December, 2008 (December, 2008)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–14 "Valhalla" Tim Waggoner Season 7 September, 2009 (September, 2009)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–15 "The Power Behind The Throne" Steven Savile Season 5 May, 2010 (May, 2010)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–16 "The Four Dragons" Diana Dru Botsford Season 7 June, 2010 (June, 2010)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–17 "Sunrise" J. F. Crane Season 4 October, 2010 (October, 2010)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–18 "Transitions" Sabine C. Bauer Season 8 October, 2010 (October, 2010)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–19 "Oceans of Dust" Peter J. Evans Season 4 March, 2011 (March, 2011)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–20 "Heart's Desire" Amy Griswold Season 3 August, 2012 (August, 2012)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–21 "The Drift" Diana Dru Botsford Season 8 October, 2012 (October, 2012)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–22 "Moebius Squared"
Jo Graham & Melissa Scott
Post Continuum January, 2013 (January, 2013)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–23 "Ouroboros" Melissa Scott Season 8 June, 2013 (June, 2013)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–24 "Two Roads" Geonn Cannon Season 8 June, 2014 (June, 2014)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–25 "Hostile Ground (Book 1 in the Apocalypse series)" Sally Malcolm & Laura Harper Season 3 August, 2014 (August, 2014)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–26 "Murder at the SGC" Amy Griswold Season 10 April, 2015 (April, 2015)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–27 "Exile (Book 2 in the Apocalypse series)" Sally Malcolm & Laura Harper Season 3 August, 2015 (August, 2015)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–28 "Kali's Wrath" Keith R. A. DeCandido Season 5 May, 2016 (May, 2016)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–29 "Hall of the Two Truths" Susannah Parker Sinard Season 5 August, 2016 (August, 2016)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–30 "Insurrection (Book 3 in the Apocalypse series)" Sally Malcolm & Laura Harper Season 3 December, 2016 (December, 2016)
Stargate SG-1
SG1–31 "Female of the Species" Geonn Cannon After S10E17 "Talion" 2018 (2018)
Stargate SG-1
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–1 "Rising" Sally Malcolm Season 1 December 15, 2005 (2005-12-15)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–2 "Reliquary" Martha Wells Season 1 February, 2006 (February, 2006)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–3 "The Chosen"
Sonny Whitelaw & Elizabeth Christensen
Season 1 April 19, 2006 (2006-04-19)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–4 "Halcyon" James Swallow Season 2 August 7, 2006 (2006-08-07)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–5 "Exogenesis"
Sonny Whitelaw & Elizabeth Christensen
Season 2 December, 2006 (December, 2006)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–6 "Entanglement" Martha Wells Season 2 April, 2007 (April, 2007)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–7 "Casualties of War" Elizabeth Christensen Season 3 September 25, 2007 (2007-09-25)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–8 "Blood Ties"
Sonny Whitelaw & Elizabeth Christensen
Season 3 December, 2007 (December, 2007)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–9 "Mirror Mirror" Sabine C. Bauer Season 2 August, 2008 (August, 2008)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–10 "Nightfall" James Swallow Season 4 February, 2009 (February, 2009)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–11 "Angelus" Peter J. Evans Season 4 March, 2009 (March, 2009)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–12 "Dead End" Chris Wraight Season 3 November, 2009 (November, 2009)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–13 "Hunt and Run" Aaron S. Rosenberg Season 5 April, 2010 (April, 2010)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–14 "Death Game" Jo Graham Season 2 July, 2010 (July, 2010)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–15 "Brimstone"
David Niall Wilson & Patricia Macomber
Season 5 February, 2010 (February, 2010)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–16 "Homecoming (Book 1 in the Legacy series)"
Jo Graham & Melissa Scott
Post-Season 5 October, 2010 (October, 2010)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–17 "The Lost (Book 2 in the Legacy series)"
Jo Graham & Amy Griswold
Post-Season 5 February, 2011 (February, 2011)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–18 "Allegiance (Book 3 in the Legacy series)"
Melissa Scott & Amy Griswold
Post-Season 5 November, 2011 (November, 2011)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–19 "The Furies (Book 4 in the Legacy series)" Meg Burden & Jo Graham
Post-Season 5 June, 2012 (June, 2012)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–20 "Secrets (Book 5 in the Legacy series)" Meg Burden & Melissa Scott
Post-Season 5 August, 2012 (August, 2012)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–21 "The Inheritors (Book 6 in the Legacy series)" Jo Graham, Melissa Scott, Amy Griswold Post-Season 5 April, 2013 (April, 2013)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–22 "Unascended (Book 7 in the Legacy series)" Jo Graham, Amy Griswold Post-Season 5 July, 2014 (July, 2014)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–23 "Third Path (Book 8 in the Legacy series)" Melissa Scott, Jo Graham Post-Season 5 July, 2015 (July, 2015)
Stargate Atlantis
SGA–24 "Pride of the Genii (A Legacy Novel)" Melissa Scott Post-Season 5 2018 (2018)
Stargate Atlantis
Stargate Universe
SGU–1 "Air" James Swallow Season 1 November, 2009 (November, 2009)
Stargate Universe
SGX–01 "Far Horizons" Various October, 2014 (October, 2014)
SG-1, Atlantis
SGX–02 "Permafrost" Sally Malcolm Season 2 December, 2014 (December, 2014)
Stargate SG-1
SGX–03 "Points of Origin" Various Various November, 2015 (November, 2015)
SG-1, Atlantis
SGX–04 "Lost Queen" Melissa Scott Post-Legacy series December, 2015 (December, 2015)
Stargate Atlantis
SGX–05 "Wild Blue" Melissa Scott TBC June, 2016 (June, 2016)
Stargate Atlantis
SGX–06 "Homeworlds" Various Various June, 2017 (June, 2017)
SG-1, Atlantis
SGX–07 "Behind Enemy Lines" Sally Malcolm 10 years after "Fragile Balance" August, 2017 (August, 2017)
Stargate SG-1
SGX–08 "From the Depths" Amy Griswold Post-Legacy series February 2018 (February 2018)
Stargate Atlantis

Short fiction

The official Stargate Magazine, produced by Titan Publishing, began publishing short stories written by Fandemonium authors in their 8th issue. The stories alternate between both SG-1 and Atlantis. The magazine was available in the UK and internationally through Diamond Comic Distributors' Previews catalogue, and ended with issue #36.

Issue Series Title Author About Timeline
#7 (Nov/Dec 2005)

Stargate Atlantis

Sally Malcolm
How Sheppard ended up on McMurdo Station
Pre-series until "Rising"
#8 (Jan/Feb 2006)

Stargate SG-1

Archeology 101
Martha Wells
Archaeological dig gone wrong for Dr. Jackson
Season 2
#10 (May/June 2006)

Stargate Atlantis

James Swallow
Lt. Aiden Ford
After "Runner"
#11 (Jul/Aug 2006)

Stargate SG-1

Medical Considerations
Karen Miller
Dr. Janet Fraiser
Season 4
#12 (Sep/Oct 2006)

Stargate Atlantis

The Companion
Sally Malcolm
Dr. Rodney McKay gets trapped with a mad hologram
Season 2 or 3
#13 (Nov/Dec 2006)

Stargate SG-1

Sabine C. Bauer
The aftermath of Daniel Jackson's death
Season 6
#14 (Feb/Mar 2007)

Stargate Atlantis

A Pebble On The Cairn
Jaimie Duncan

Ronon Dex
Season 3
#15 (Apr/May 2007)

Stargate Atlantis

Course Corrections
Elizabeth Christensen
John Sheppard
Season 3, during The Return, Part 1
#16 (Jun/Jul 2007)

Stargate SG-1

The Bitter Hearth
Holly Scott
Near the start of Season 4
#18 (Sep/Oct 2007)

Stargate SG-1

Sonny Whitelaw & Jennifer Fallon
Vala Mal Doran
After the end of Season 10
#19 (Nov/Dec 2007)

Stargate Atlantis

Elizabeth Christensen
John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan & Ronon Dex
Between Season 2 & 3
#20 (Jan/Feb 2008)

Stargate SG-1

James Swallow
Cameron Mitchell
Season 9
#22 (June/July 2008)

Stargate Atlantis

Sabine C. Bauer
John Sheppard
Just after 'Mirror Mirror'
#23 (August/September 2008)

Stargate Atlantis

Post Mortem
Karen Miller
Rodney McKay
Season 3, after 'Sunday'
#25 (December 2008/January 2009)

Stargate SG-1

Murphy's Law of Stargate Travel
Suzanne Wood
Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter, Daniel Jackson & Teal'c
Pre Season 6
#28 (June/July 2009)

Stargate SG-1

By Way of the Stars (Part 1 of 3)
Suzanne Wood
Cameron Mitchell, Samantha Carter, Daniel Jackson & Teal'c
Season 10
#29 (August/September 2009)

Stargate SG-1

By Way of the Stars: To The Sea (Part 2 of 3)
Suzanne Wood
Cameron Mitchell, Samantha Carter, Daniel Jackson & Teal'c
Season 10
#30 (October/November 2009)

Stargate SG-1

By Way of the Stars: To The Sea and Home Again(Part 3 of 3)
Suzanne Wood
Cameron Mitchell, Samantha Carter, Daniel Jackson & Teal'c
Season 10
#31 (December 2009/January 2010)

Stargate SG-1

I, Ba'al
Sally Malcolm
Ba'al & Jack O'Neill
Season 6, before 'Abyss'
#33 (April 2010/May 2010)

Stargate Atlantis

Gods and Heroes
Jo Graham
Teyla Emmagan & Charin
Pre Season 1, 'Rising'
#34 (June 2010/July 2010)

Stargate SG-1

The Ghosts of Sanctity
Peter J. Evans
Jack O'Neill, Samantha Carter, Daniel Jackson & Teal'c
Season 5


External links

  • Stargate Novels Official Homepage

  • Gateworld Reviews of Books


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