
Showing posts from January 20, 2019

Oxyrhynchus Gospels

The Oxyrhynchus Gospels are two fragmentary manuscripts discovered among the rich finds of discarded papyri at Oxyrhynchus in Egypt. Unknown to most laymen, they throw light on early non-canonical Gospel traditions. Contents 1 Oxyrhynchus 840 2 Oxyrhynchus 1224 3 See also 4 References 5 Further reading 6 External links Oxyrhynchus 840 Oxyrhynchus 840 (P. Oxy. V 840), found in 1905, is a single small vellum parchment leaf with 45 lines of text written on both sides in a tiny neat hand that dates it to the 4th century, almost square, less than 10 cm across. It is kept at the Bodleian Library, MS. Gr. th. g. 11 (P). [1] The text probably predates 200, but no more is determinable from this evidence. In his introduction in The Complete Gospels , Philip Sellew notes that this fragment was likely a talisman text, kept as an amulet, perhaps worn around the neck. Michael J. Kruger who did his PhD dissertation on this fragment [2] concludes that this

New Testament apocrypha

New Testament apocrypha Apostolic Fathers 1 Clement  · 2 Clement Epistles of Ignatius Polycarp to the Philippians Martyrdom of Polycarp  · Didache Barnabas  · Diognetus The Shepherd of Hermas Jewish–Christian gospels Ebionites  · Hebrews  · Nazarenes Infancy gospels James  · Thomas  · Syriac  · Pseudo-Matthew  · History of Joseph the Carpenter Gnostic gospels Judas  · Mary  · Philip  · Truth  · Secret Mark  · The Saviour Other Gospels Thomas  · Marcion  · Nicodemus  · Peter  · Barnabas Apocalypse Paul  · Coptic Paul Peter  · Gnostic Peter Pseudo-Methodius  · Thomas  · Stephen 1 James  · 2 James Epistles Apocryphon of James Apocryphon of John Epistula Apostolorum Corinthians to Paul  · Pseudo-Titus Peter to Philip  · Laodiceans Paul and Seneca  · 3 Corinthians Acts Andrew  · Barnabas  · John  · Mar Mari  · The Martyrs Paul  · Paul and Thecla Peter  · Peter and Andrew Peter and Paul  · Pete


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