
Showing posts from November 25, 2018

Cayuga Lake

Cayuga Lake Cayuga Lake as viewed in the late afternoon from Cornell University Location Cayuga / Seneca / Tompkins counties, New York, US Group Finger Lakes Coordinates 42°41′00″N 76°41′46″W  /  42.68333°N 76.69611°W  / 42.68333; -76.69611 Coordinates: 42°41′00″N 76°41′46″W  /  42.68333°N 76.69611°W  / 42.68333; -76.69611 Lake type Ground moraine Primary inflows Cayuga Inlet, Fall Creek, Taughannock Creek, Salmon Creek Primary outflows Seneca River Catchment area 2,033 km 2 (785 sq mi) Basin countries United States Max. length 38 mi (61 km) Max. width 3.5 mi (5.6 km) Surface area 172 km 2 (66 sq mi) Average depth 182 ft (55 m) Max. depth 435 ft (133 m) Water volume 9.46 km 3 (2.27 cu mi) Residence time 18.2 years Surface elevation 381.9 ft (116.4 m) Islands 2 (Frontenac Island and Canoga Island) Settlements see article Cayuga Lake ( / k ʌ ˈ juː ɡ ə / )  is the longest of central New


俺答汗 俺答封貢 發生於隆慶四年(1570年),是明朝少數以非軍事手段解決與外族敵對關係的事件。明朝中央內閣官大臣張居正和高拱,以及地方上的宣大總督王崇古及大同巡撫方逢時,趁把漢那吉與其祖父、韃靼首領俺答因家事爭執而降明的機會,與韃靼達成了封貢及互市的協議,結束了近二百年的敵對狀態。明朝又藉機剷除趙全等漢奸,削弱了韃靼內部的組織力。從此直到明朝滅亡,明朝與蒙古之間絕少爆發大規模戰爭。 [1] 。 目录 1 背景 1.1 明朝態度 1.2 俺答處境 2 結果 3 参见 4 参考文献 背景 把漢那吉是俺答的孫兒。自那吉之父鐵背台死後,他就被俺答的妻子克哈團所照顧。那吉成年後,又為他娶妻比吉。那吉其後又娶了他姑母的女兒三娘子。不幸地,俺答又相中他的外孫女三娘子,打算納三娘子為妻。把漢那吉不滿並與阿力哥等十餘人,趕到大同萬里長城邊界要求大同巡撫接見。在宣大總督王崇古堅持下明朝受降,並厚待之,俺答期後追至,得知那吉未死,大喜,著手談判營救。 明朝態度 韃靼戰力雖強,但文化不高,因此在明初一直未成氣候。但在居於板升的趙全等幫助下,韃靼有了很強的組織力。趙全一幫「多略善謀……教虜疏計諜,校人畜,益習兵事」,由是令「諸鎮疲於奔命」 [2] 。他們如張居正言,當時明朝有兩患:「東患在屬夷,西患在板升。二患不除,我終無安枕之日!然西事稍易,宜先圖也」 [3] 。韃靼,在張居正眼中還不如趙全等人。對明政府而言,趙全的所為實際上是為韃靼創製成文的官制及法律,一旦成事,韃靼將會变成了拥有秩序的国家,从野蛮走向文明,並且可以不断吸收周围的部族和人民,扩张势力,成為中原的大患。因此明政府要求俺答「自當卑詞效款,或斬吾叛逆趙全等之首,盟誓於天」 [4] 。不過明政府對俺答封貢歸順,其實是沒有什麼把握,畢竟在與明朝的對抗中,俺答也絕少戰敗。 俺答處境 俺答畢竟最愛這個孫子把漢那吉,因此他才會直奔至大同索人。俺答對於那吉降明,不斷有「日夜恐中國戕其孫」 [5] 的感覺。而明朝對於「討漢奸」的要求,在孫子安危面前也變得細小:「我不為亂,亂由全等。今吾孫降漢,是天遣之合也。天子幸封我為王,永長北方,諸部孰敢為患……彼受朝廷厚恩,豈敢負耶?」 [6] 。而且,在俺答角度,他們入侵明朝北邊其實也只


For other uses, see Forester (disambiguation). Foresters of Southern University of Chile in the Valdivian forests of San Pablo de Tregua, Chile. A forester is a person who practices forestry, the science, art, and profession of managing forests. Foresters engage in a broad range of activities including ecological restoration and management of protected areas. Foresters manage forests to provide a variety of objectives including direct extraction of raw material, outdoor recreation, conservation, hunting and aesthetics. Emerging management practices include managing forestlands for biodiversity, carbon sequestration and air quality. Many people confuse the role of the forester with that of the logger, but most foresters are concerned not only with the harvest of timber, but also with the sustainable management of forests to (in the words of Gifford Pinchot) "provide the greatest good for the greatest number in the long term". [ citation needed ] Another notable for