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重量 | |
用來測量物體重量的弹簧秤。 | |
常見符號 | W{displaystyle W} |
國際單位 | 牛頓(N) |
其他單位 | 磅力 (lbf) |
基本單位 | kg⋅m⋅s−2 |
單位因次 | MLT−2{displaystyle {mathsf {MLT}}^{-2}} |
外延? | 是 |
內含? | 否 |
守恆? | 否 |
從其他物理量的推衍 |
因次 | MLT−2{displaystyle {mathsf {MLT}}^{-2}} |
在科学與工程学上,物體的重量指的通常是重力作用在它身上的力。[1][2]重量是向量,它的量(純量)一般用斜體 W{displaystyle W} 表示。重量是質量 m{displaystyle m} 和當地重力加速度 g{displaystyle g} 的乘積[3],即為:W=mg{displaystyle W=mg}。重力的计量单位和力一樣,也就是国际单位制(SI)的「牛頓」。舉例而言,一件質量為一公斤的物體在地球表面重9.8牛頓,而在月球上則重9.8牛頓的六分之一。根據這個定義,若要一個物體沒有重量,原則上只有無限遠離所有其他具有質量的物體才可能發生。雖然科學上重量和質量是不同的量,日常生活中常會將兩者混用。例如轉換或比較以磅力為單位的力和以公斤為單位的質量,反之亦然。[4]
1 歷史
1.1 牛頓
1.2 相對論
2 定義
2.1 重力定義
2.2 操作定義
2.3 ISO定義
2.4 視重
3 質量
3.1 SI制單位
3.2 其他單位
4 延伸閱讀
5 註釋
6 參考資料
根據亞里斯多德,重量是物體墜落的直接原因,其墜落速率應與重量成正比。後來,中世紀學者發現物體墜落的速率隨時間增加。為了維持這種因果關係,重量的概念被修改,分成兩部分:靜止的重量(still weight)和因重力導致的重量(actual gravity)。前者為物體的本質,後者反應了墜落速率增加的原因。「重力導致的重量」這概念之後被让·布里丹的「衝力」取代。其中衝力為动量的前身。[2]
牛頓運動定律和萬有引力定律的引入,進一步發展了重量的概念。重量和质量(物質的量)被區分開來。質量被認為是物體的基本性質,與其慣性相關;而重量則是重力作用於物體的結果,與物體的情況有關。特別的是,牛頓認為重量是相對的,是一對物體間的性質。例如,他曾寫道:「行星們『對太陽的重量』必須是它們物質的量」[註 1]。牛頓對重量的操作定義為:它與阻礙物體下降的力相反、值相等。[2]
牛頓認為時間和空間是絕對的,這讓他有「真實的」(ture,對應於 relative,「相對的」)位置或真實的速度這類的概念。他也知道秤量的重量會受浮力等環境因素影響,因此引入了「視重」(apparent weight)這個詞來表達因不完善測量條件造成的假重量,以區隔由重力定義的「真實重量」。這裡的視重和現代的不太一樣,現代的視重通常與慣性力有關,例如用來解釋地理上緯度和離心力的關係。[2]
重量最常見的定義為「重力作用在物體上的力」,可在入門等級的物理教科書中找到。[1][8]公式通常可表達為W=mg{displaystyle W=mg},其中W{displaystyle W}為重量,m{displaystyle m}為物體質量,g{displaystyle g}為重力加速度。
"The word weight denotes a quantity of the same nature[註 2] as a force: the weight of a body is the product of its mass and the acceleration due to gravity."
— Resolution 2 of the 3rd General Conference on Weights and Measures[10][11]
"The weight W of a body is equal to the magnitude Fg of the gravitational force on the body."[12]
不同地點的重力加速度不一樣。有時會直接使用標準重力提供的標準值9.80665m/s2{displaystyle 9.80665m/s^{2}}。[10]
量值等於mg{displaystyle mg}牛頓的力也會寫為 kg-wt(m kilogram weight 的縮寫)。[13]
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在國際標準化組織ISO 80000-4(2006)標準中[14],有描述力學中的基本物理量及單位,其中重量定義為:
Fg=mg{displaystyle F_{g}=mg,},
- where m is mass and g is local acceleration of free fall.
- When the reference frame is Earth, this quantity comprises not only the local gravitational force, but also the local centrifugal force due to the rotation of the Earth, a force which varies with latitude.
- The effect of atmospheric buoyancy is excluded in the weight.
- In common parlance, the name "weight" continues to be used where "mass" is meant, but this practice is deprecated.
— ISO 80000-4 (2006)
地點 | 緯度 | m/s2 |
赤道 | 0° | 9.7803 |
悉尼 | 33°52′ S | 9.7968 |
阿伯丁 | 57°9′ N | 9.8168 |
北极点 | 90° N | 9.8322 |
牛頓這個導出單位可被表為SI基本單位的組合[17],也就是kg·m/s2。在一般日常生活使用及商業用途,重量通常就是質量的意思,測重就代表測定質量。在這個狀況下,可使用SI單位公斤(kg{displaystyle kg})。[17]
在美制单位中,磅是質量的單位[20]而磅力是力的單位。一些相關的單位有磅達(poundal)及斯勒格(slug)。磅達是力的單位,定義為使一磅質量產生1 ft/s2加速度的力,約對應1/32.2磅力。斯勒格是質量單位,定義為若施加一磅力的力,可以產生1 ft/s2加速度的質量,約對應磅。
千克力不是SI制的單位,定義為一千克物體在標準重力下所受的力,等於9.80665牛頓。达因(dyne) 是厘米-克-秒制下力的單位,也不是SI制的單位。
- 体重
^ 原文:"the weights of the planets towards the sun must be as their quantities of matter"
^ The phrase "quantity of the same nature" is a literal translation of the French phrase grandeur de la même nature. Although this is an authorized translation, VIM 3 of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures recommends translating grandeurs de même nature as quantities of the same kind.[9]
^ 1.01.1 Richard C. Morrison. Weight and gravity - the need for consistent definitions. The Physics Teacher. 1999, 37: 51. Bibcode:1999PhTea..37...51M. doi:10.1119/1.880152.
^ Igal Galili. Weight versus gravitational force: historical and educational perspectives. International Journal of Science Education. 2001, 23: 1073. Bibcode:2001IJSEd..23.1073G. doi:10.1080/09500690110038585.
^ 3.03.1 Gat, Uri. The weight of mass and the mess of weight. (编) Richard Alan Strehlow. Standardization of Technical Terminology: Principles and Practice – second volume. ASTM International. 1988: 45–48. ISBN 978-0-8031-1183-7.
^ 4.04.1 The National Standard of Canada, CAN/CSA-Z234.1-89 Canadian Metric Practice Guide, January 1989:
5.7.3 Considerable confusion exists in the use of the term "weight." In commercial and everyday use, the term "weight" nearly always means mass. In science and technology "weight" has primarily meant a force due to gravity. In scientific and technical work, the term "weight" should be replaced by the term "mass" or "force," depending on the application.
5.7.4 The use of the verb "to weigh" meaning "to determine the mass of," e.g., "I weighed this object and determined its mass to be 5 kg," is correct.
^ Sur Das. Weighing Grain. Baburnama. 1590s. (原始内容存档于2013-07-14).
^ 6.06.1 Allen L. King. Weight and weightlessness. American Journal of Physics. 1963, 30: 387. Bibcode:1962AmJPh..30..387K. doi:10.1119/1.1942032.
^ 7.07.1 A. P. French. On weightlessness. American Journal of Physics. 1995, 63: 105–106. Bibcode:1995AmJPh..63..105F. doi:10.1119/1.17990.
^ 8.08.1 Galili, I.; Lehavi, Y. The importance of weightlessness and tides in teaching gravitation (PDF). American Journal of Physics. 2003, 71 (11): 1127–1135. Bibcode:2003AmJPh..71.1127G. doi:10.1119/1.1607336.
^ Working Group 2 of the Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology (JCGM/WG 2). International vocabulary of metrology — Basic and general concepts and associated terms (VIM) — Vocabulaire international de métrologie — Concepts fondamentaux et généraux et termes associés (VIM) (PDF) (JCGM 200:2008) 3rd. BIPM. 2008. Note 3 to Section 1.2. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2018-01-27) (英语及法语).
^ 10.010.1 Resolution of the 3rd meeting of the CGPM (1901). BIPM. (原始内容存档于2018-01-17).
^ Barry N. Taylor; Ambler Thompson (编). The International System of Units (SI) (PDF). NIST Special Publication 330 2008. NIST. 2008: 52. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2017-06-22).
^ Halliday, David; Resnick, Robert; Walker, Jearl. Fundamentals of Physics 1 8th. Wiley. 2007: 95. ISBN 978-0-470-04473-5.
^ Chester, W. Mechanics. London: George Allen & Unwin. 1979: 83. ISBN 0-04-510059-4.
^ ISO 80000-4:2006, Quantities and units - Part 4: Mechanics
^ Bell, F. Principles of mechanics and biomechanics. Stanley Thornes Ltd. 1998: 174–176. ISBN 978-0-7487-3332-3.
^ Galili, Igal. Weight and gravity: teachers’ ambiguity and students’ confusion about the concepts. International Journal of Science Education. 1993, 15 (2): 149–162. Bibcode:1993IJSEd..15..149G. doi:10.1080/0950069930150204.
^ A. Thompson & B. N. Taylor. The NIST Guide for the use of the International System of Units, Section 8: Comments on Some Quantities and Their Units. Special Publication 811. NIST. 2010-03-03 [2009-07-02] [2010-05-22]. (原始内容存档于2018-01-30).
^ Hodgeman, Charles (编). Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 44th. Cleveland, USA: Chemical Rubber Publishing Co. 1961: 3480–3485.
^ Clark, John B. Physical and Mathematical Tables. Oliver and Boyd. 1964.
^ Common Conversion Factors, Approximate Conversions from U.S. Customary Measures to Metric. National Institute of Standards and Technology. [2018-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2018-01-30).
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