作者 | 弗里德里希·尼采 |
出版地 | Germany |
語言 | German |
出版日期 | 1889 |
中文版出版日期 | 978-0140445145 |
媒介 | Paperback, hardcover |
頁數 | 208 (1990 Penguin Classics ed.) |
ISBN | 9787800919060 |
OCLC | 22578979 |
上一部作品 | The Case of Wagner (1888) |
下一部作品 | The Antichrist (1888) |
《偶像的黄昏:或怎样用锤子从事哲学》(德語:Götzen-Dämmerung, oder, Wie man mit dem Hammer philosophirt),弗里德里希·尼采著于1888年,并于1889年出版。
1 起因
2 内容简介
3 参考文献
4 外部連結
尼采批判了当时的德国文化相当单纯而幼稚,并向许多主要的法国、英国、以及意大利文化代表人物开炮。比起那些所谓的“颓废主义”,尼采更赞成像凯撒、拿破仑、歌德、修昔底德以及诡辩家们,他认为后者比起前者要来的健康而强壮多了。这本书的最后告诉了读者们尼采最重要的计划:「重估一切价值」(Umwertung aller Werte)。同时古罗马的文明成就在尼采来看要比古希腊高多了。
- 前言
- 格言与箭
- 苏格拉底的问题
- 哲学中的“理性”
- “真实的世界”最终如何变成了寓言——一个错误的历史
- 违反自然的道德
- 四大谬误
- 人类的“改善者”
- 德国人缺少什么
- 一个不合时宜者的漫游
- 我要感谢古人什么
- 锤子之言
- Bernd Magnus: The Deification of the Commonplace: Twilight of the Idols, in: Solomon, Robert C. / Higgins, Kathleen M. (ed.): Reading Nietzsche, New York / Oxford 1988, pp. 152–181.
- Duncan Large: Götzen-Dämmerung from the Perspective of Translation Studies, in: Nietzscheforschung. Jahrbuch der Nietzsche-Gesellschaft 16: Nietzsche im Film, Projektionen und Götzen-Dämmerungen, Berlin 2009, pp. 151–160.
- Andreas Urs Sommer: Kommentar zu Nietzsches Der Fall Wagner. Götzendämmerung (= Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften (ed.): Historischer und kritischer Kommentar zu Friedrich Nietzsches Werken, vol. 6/1). XVII + 698 pages. Berlin / Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2012 (ISBN 978-3-11-028683-0).
古腾堡计划中收录的《Götzen-Dämmerung》免费电子版本 — German language edition.
- English translation by Walter Kaufmann and R.J. Hollingdale
Twilight of the Idols audio book at librivox.org (Ludovici translation)
"Twilight of the Idols or How to Philosophize with a Hammer" (English translation Daniel Fidel Ferrer, February 2013)
Culture and the state--one should not deceive oneself over this--are antagonists: the ′cultural state′ is merely a modern idea. The one lives off the other, the one thrives at the expense of the other. All great cultural epochs are epochs of political decline: that which is great in the cultural sense has been unpolitical, even anti-political
Culture and the state--one should not deceive oneself over this--are antagonists: the ′cultural state′ is merely a modern idea. The one lives off the other, the one thrives at the expense of the other. All great cultural epochs are epochs of political decline: that which is great in the cultural sense has been unpolitical, even anti-political
^ Large, Duncan (trans).
^ Kaufmann W., The Portable Nietzsche, New York: Viking, 1954, p463
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