


一串红 (Salvia splendens

科学分类 编辑
植物界 Plantae
被子植物 Angiosperms
真双子叶植物 Eudicots
菊类植物 Asterids
唇形目 Lamiales
唇形科 Lamiaceae
荆芥亚科 Nepetoideae
薄荷族 Mentheae
鼠尾草属 Salvia


鼠尾草属是唇形科下最大的一个属,包括大约1000种植物[1],广泛分布在全球各地的温带和热带地区,既有草本也有灌木或亚灌木,大多数品种集中在亚洲。 [2]其中有许多品种可以入药或作为观赏花卉。[3]


该属植物杠杆状雄蕊(lever-like stamen)结构与传粉者形成了杠杆式背部传粉(dorsal pollination)的互作机制[4]


  • 1 主要品种

  • 2 应用

  • 3 参考文献

  • 4 外部链接


  • 翅柄葉鼠尾草 Salvia alatipetiolata(翅柄鼠尾草)

  • 白鼠尾草 Salvia apiana

  • Salvia argentea - Silver clary, Silver sage.

  • Salvia arizonica - Arizona sage, Desert indigo sage, a purple-flowering annual.

  • Salvia austriaca - Austrian sage.

  • Salvia azurea - Blue sage, Azure blue sage; very big bright blue flowers.

  • Salvia candelabrum - a blue-flowering scented sage.

  • Salvia clevelandii - Blue sage, Cleveland sage, Fragrant sage.

  • 朱唇 Salvia coccinea Juss. ex Murr., 1778

  • 飞鸽鼠尾草 Salvia columbariae

  • 圆苞鼠尾草 (Salvia cyclostegia)

  • Salvia discolor

  • Salvia divinorum - Diviner's sage.

  • Salvia dorrii - Ute Tobacco Sage (mild hallucinogen when smoked)

  • 凤梨鼠尾草 Salvia elegans

  • 蓝花鼠尾草 Salvia farinacea - Benth.

  • 臺灣紫花鼠尾草 Salvia fulgens - Salvia formosana (Murata) Yamazaki 1969 (蕨葉紫花鼠尾草)

  • Salvia fulgens - Cardinal sage, Mexican red sage, a red-flowering perennial

  • Salvia funerea – Death Valley sage

  • Salvia glutinosa

  • Salvia greggii - Autumn sage, a red-flowered sage with a very strong scent

  • Salvia guaranitica - Anise sage or hummingbird sage.

  • 早田氏鼠尾草 Salvia hayatana Makino ex Hayata, 1919

  • 芡欧鼠尾草 Salvia hispanica - the Chia of commerce.

  • 鼠尾草 Salvia japonica Thunb. ex Murray, 1784(日本紫花鼠尾草)

  • 隱藥鼠尾草 Salvia keitaoensis Hayata, 1919

  • Salvia leucantha - Mexican bush sage, velvety spikes of violet-purple and white, 3' tall.

  • Salvia leucophylla - Purple sage.

  • Salvia libanotica - Mediterranean or middle eastern sage

  • Salvia longistyla - Mexican sage.

  • Salvia lyrata - Lyre-leaved sage, Lyreleaf sage.

  • Salvia mexicana - Mexican sage, medium blue to violet and lavender, 8' to 10' tall.

  • Salvia microphylla

  • 丹参 Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge

  • Salvia nemorosa - Meadow sage

  • 黃花鼠尾草 Salvia nipponica Miq. var. formosana (Hayata) Kudo 1929

  • 藥用鼠尾草 Salvia officinalis

  • 節毛鼠尾草 Salvia plebeia R. Brown, 1810

  • 龍膽鼠尾草(長蕊鼠尾草)Salvia patens - a blue-flowering sage.

  • Salvia polystachya - Chia sage, Chia seed.

  • Salvia potus - Chia.

  • Salvia pratensis - Meadow clary or Meadow sage.

  • Salvia roemeriana - Cedar Sage; this species prefers shady moist areas

  • 卵葉鼠尾草 Salvia scapiformis Hance, 1885

  • Salvia sclarea - Clary or Clary sage.

  • Salvia spathacea - Pitcher sage or Hummingbird sage.

  • 一串红 Salvia splendens Ker-Gawl.

  • Salvia superba

  • 田代氏鼠尾草 Salvia tashiroi Hayata, 1917

  • Salvia transylvanica

  • Salvia uliginosa

  • Salvia verbenaca - Wild clary, Wild sage.

  • Salvia verticillata - Whorled clary, Lilac sage, a white- or blue-flowering perennial with the scent of Clary.

  • Salvia viridis (syn. S. horminum) - Annual clary..


鼠尾草属的拉丁名称来源与拉丁语的“治疗”(salvare)一词,在古代的地中海和小亚细亚半岛早已经应用其作为草药。[5]其中丹参(Salvia miltiorrhiza)是重要的中药,而美洲的印第安人也早已经知道用鼠尾草属植物作为草药,部分芳香品种还可以提取芳香油。[6][7][8][9]


  1. ^ Petra Wester; Regine Claßen-Bockhoff. Pollination Syndromes of New World Salvia Species with Special Reference to Bird Pollination. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. 2011, 98 (1): 101–155 [2015-04-07]. doi:10.3417/2007035.  引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助)

  2. ^ Kintzios, Spiridon E. 2000. Sage: the genus Salvia. Medicinal and aromatic plants--industrial profiles, v. 14. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers. Page 27. ISBN 90-5823-005-8

  3. ^ Clebsch, Betsy, and Betsy Clebsch. 2003. The new book of salvias: sages for every garden. Portland, OR: Timber Press. ISBN 0-88192-560-8

  4. ^ 鼠尾草花结构与传粉忠实性研究获进展. 科学网. 2011-03-16 [2011-03-16]. 

  5. ^ Marushia, Robin, Salvia divinorum: The Botany, Ethnobotany, Biochemistry and Future of a Mexican Mint (PDF), Ethnobotany, June 2003 [2007-05-04], (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2003-09-03)  请检查|year= / |date= mismatch中的日期值 (帮助)

  6. ^ Akhondzadeh, S; Noroozian, M; Mohammadi, M; Ohadinia, S; Jamshidi, Ah; Khani, M. Salvia officinalis extract in the treatment of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease: a double blind, randomized and placebo-controlled trial. Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics. Feb 2003, 28 (1): 53–9. ISSN 0269-4727. PMID 12605619. 

  7. ^ Dos, Santos-Neto, Ll; De, Vilhena, Toledo, Ma; Medeiros-Souza, P; De, Souza, Ga. The use of herbal medicine in Alzheimer's disease-a systematic review (Free full text). Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM. Dec 2006, 3 (4): 441–5. PMC 1697739. PMID 17173107. doi:10.1093/ecam/nel071. [永久失效連結]

  8. ^ Perry, Ek; Pickering, At; Wang, Ww; Houghton, P; Perry, Ns. Medicinal plants and Alzheimer's disease: Integrating ethnobotanical and contemporary scientific evidence. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.). Winter 1998, 4 (4): 419–28. ISSN 1075-5535. PMID 9884179. 

  9. ^ Iuvone, T; De, Filippis, D; Esposito, G; D'Amico, A; Izzo, Aa. The spice sage and its active ingredient rosmarinic acid protect PC12 cells from amyloid-beta peptide-induced neurotoxicity (Free full text). The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. Jun 2006, 317 (3): 1143–9. PMID 16495207. doi:10.1124/jpet.105.099317. 

  • A Book of Salvias: Sages for Every Garden by Betsy Clebsch, Timber Press, 1997, ISBN 0-88192-369-9. An excellent reference on salvias. Also, an updated (2004 edition) is available.

  • Akhondzadeh S, Noroozian M, Mohammadi M. R. 2003, Salvia Officinalis extract in the treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease: A double blind and placebo-controlled trial. British Journal of Pharmacology, Vol. 140, p22P-22P, 1/2p


  • USDA on Genus Salvia

  • ITIS

  • Template:Plantarium


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