恐怖主义 |
恐怖主義的定義 恐怖活动 · 恐怖分子事件列表 |
歷史 歷史上的恐怖主義 · 恐怖統治 紅色恐怖 · 白色恐怖 |
意識形態 共產 · 生態 · 種族 · 民族 (伊斯蘭 · 基督教 · 猶太人) |
類型 農業恐怖主義 · 劫機 生物恐怖主義 · 汽車炸彈 海盜 · 行動宣傳 · 自殺攻擊 |
國家參與 國家恐怖主義 · 反恐 |
組織 恐怖组织 · 孤狼恐怖主義 |
1 目前被正式认定的恐怖组织
2 过去被正式认定的恐怖组织
3 相关事件
4 參見
5 參考文獻
= 正式被认定为恐怖组织
组织 | 澳大利亚 | 加拿大 | 埃及 | 欧盟 | 印度 | 伊朗 | 以色列 | 日本 | 哈萨克斯坦 | 新西兰 | 中华人民共和国 | 菲律宾 | 中华民国 | 韩国 | 俄罗斯 | 沙特 | 突尼斯 | 土耳其 | 乌克兰 | 阿联酋 | 英国 | 联合国 | 美国 | |
阿卜杜拉·阿扎姆旅 | [1][2][3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||||
阿布·尼达尔组织 | [7] | [8] | [4] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||||
阿布沙耶夫 | [9] | [7] | [10] | [1][2][3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||
亚丁-阿比扬伊斯兰军 | [7] | [4] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
埃及士兵 | [11] | [4] | [12] | |||||||||||||||||||||
全印尼泊尔人团结协会 | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
阿克萨基金会 (德国) | [8] | [來源請求] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
阿克萨烈士旅 | [7] | [8] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||||
满月 | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
伊斯兰团体 | [7] | [8] | [14] | [1][2][3] | [4] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||
陌生人 | [4] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
哈拉曼基金会 | [14] | [5] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
伊斯兰联盟 | [7] | [4] | [5] | |||||||||||||||||||||
哨兵 | [9] | [7] | [10] | [15] | [5] | [16] | ||||||||||||||||||
征服沙姆阵线 | [9] | [7] | [10] | [14] | [17] | [18][19] | [1][2][3] | [4] | [20] | [21] | ||||||||||||||
基地组织 | [9] | [7] | [22] | [13] | [23] | [24][25] | [26][10] | [27] | [28] | [29] | [14] | [1][2][3] | [4] | [30] | [6] | |||||||||
阿拉伯半岛基地组织 | [9] | [7] | [31] | [1][2][3] | [5] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||
印度次大陆基地组织 | [9] | [7] | [32] | |||||||||||||||||||||
伊斯兰马格里布基地组织 | [9] | [7] | [10] | [14] | [1][2][3] | [5] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||
青年党 | [9] | [7] | [1][2][3] | [4] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||
出走和迁徙 | [8] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
乌玛圣战者 | [33] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
全特里普拉猛虎力量 | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
伊斯兰教法虔信者 (利比亚) | [1][2][3] | [4] | [5] | [34] | ||||||||||||||||||||
伊斯兰教法虔信者 (突尼斯) | [35] | [1][2][3] | [4] | [5] | [36] | |||||||||||||||||||
伊斯兰辅士 (伊拉克库尔德斯坦) | [9] | [7] | [1][2][3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||
逊奈辅士大会 | [4] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
圣殿辅士 | [9] | [37] | [1][3] | [15] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||
信仰卫士 | [5] | [38] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
伊斯兰辅士 (布基纳法索) | [39] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
黑非洲保护穆斯林先锋 | [4] | [5] | [40] | |||||||||||||||||||||
阿尔及利亚武装伊斯兰团体 | [7] | [4] | [5] | |||||||||||||||||||||
伊斯兰军 | [1][2][3] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
纳克什班迪教团军 | [41] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
正义联盟 | [1] | [42] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
辅士联盟 | [7] | [14] | [1][2][3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||
奥姆真理教 | [7] | [43][10] | [44] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||||
巴德尔组织 | [1] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
巴巴尔·卡尔萨国际 | [7] | [8] | [13] | [4] | ||||||||||||||||||||
俾路支解放军 | [45] | [4] | [46] | |||||||||||||||||||||
博科圣地 | [9] | [7] | [1][2][3] | [4] | [47] | [40] | [48] | [49] | ||||||||||||||||
高加索酋长国 | [7] | [10] | [14] | [1][2][3] | [4] | [50] | [51] | |||||||||||||||||
慈善和声援巴勒斯坦委员会 | [24] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
印度共产党(马列) | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
菲律宾共产党/ 新人民军 | [8] | [52] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||||
土耳其共产党/马列 | [53] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
火核的共谋 | [54] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
继续爱尔兰共和军 | [4] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
妇女委员会 | [4] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
丁达尔协会 | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
顿涅茨克人民共和国 | [55] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
民族的女儿 | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
东突厥斯坦信息中心 | [56] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
突厥斯坦伊斯兰党 | [57] | [56] | [58] | [1][2] | [4] | [5] | [59] | |||||||||||||||||
东突厥斯坦解放组织 | [60] | [56] | [61] | |||||||||||||||||||||
埃及伊斯兰圣战 | [7] | [14] | [4] | [5] | ||||||||||||||||||||
埃塔 | [7] | [8] | [4] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||||
爱尔兰勇士 | [4] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
17部队 | [24] | [4] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
大东方伊斯兰突袭者阵线 | [8] | [53] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
灰狼 | [62] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
居伦运动 | [63] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
哈马斯 | [64] | [7] | [65] | [66] | [67][68][10] | [69] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||
伊宰·丁·卡桑烈士旅 | [9] | [8] | [4] | [70] | ||||||||||||||||||||
哈卡尼网络 | [7] | [1][2][3] | [4] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||||
真主贵族党运动 | [42] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
伊斯兰圣战运动 | [4] | [5] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||||
孟加拉国伊斯兰圣战运动 | [4] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
圣战者运动 | [7] | [13] | [4] | [5] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||
圣战者运动/阿拉米 | [4] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
宗教虔信者阵线 | [71] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
埃及武装运动 | [4] | [72] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
古勒卜丁伊斯兰党 | [7] | [4] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
真主党 | [7] | [73][74] | [10] | [75] | [75] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||
爱尔兰共和军 | [4] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
库尔德真主党 | [53] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
真主党军事翼 | [76] | [75] | [75] | [77] | ||||||||||||||||||||
真主党外部安全组织 | [9] | [7] | [75] | [75] | [4] | |||||||||||||||||||
汉志真主党 | [31] | [1][2][3] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
哈里发国 | [53] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
伊扎布特 | [78] | [79] | [27] | [80] | [14] | [81] | [82] | [83][84] | ||||||||||||||||
圣战士党 | [8] | [13] | [85] | |||||||||||||||||||||
霍夫斯塔德网络 | [8] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
圣地救援和发展基金会 | [8] | [24] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
胡塞运动 | [17] | [1][2][3] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
印度圣战者 | [7] | [13] | [1][2][3] | [4] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||
国际锡克青年联合会 | [7] | [8] | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||
爱尔兰民族解放军 | [4] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
爱尔兰人民解放组织 | [4] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
伊斯兰圣战 | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
伊斯兰圣战联盟 | [86] | [4] | [5] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||||
乌兹别克斯坦伊斯兰运动 | [9] | [7] | [10] | [27] | [86] | [14] | [1][2][3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | ||||||||||||||
国际穆斯林学者联盟 | [87][88] | [88][87] | [88][87] | |||||||||||||||||||||
伊斯兰革命卫队 | [89] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
伊斯兰国 | [9] | [7] | [90] | [91] | [92] | [93] | [94][95][10] | [96] | [97] | [98] | [14] | [17] | [99] | [1][2][3] | [4] | [20] | [6] | |||||||
伊斯兰国高加索省 | [41] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
伊斯兰国呼罗珊省 | [41][100] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
伊斯兰国利比亚省 | [9] | [101] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
伊斯兰国也门省 | [101] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
穆罕默德军 | [9] | [7] | [13] | [1][2][3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||
迁士和辅士军 | [7] | [71] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
呼唤古兰经协会 | [102] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
支持伊斯兰和穆斯林团体 | [103] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
古兰经协会 | [4] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
自由大会 | [4] | [104] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
孟加拉国圣战者大会 | [13] | [4] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
社会改革协会 | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
虔信者协会 | [9] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
伊斯兰促进会 | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
伊斯兰祈祷团 | [9] | [7] | [4] | [5] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||
唯一信士祈祷团 | [5] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
阿克萨战士 | [105] | [4] | [106] | |||||||||||||||||||||
阿尔及利亚哈里发国士兵 | [4] | [41] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
沙姆师 | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
真主的士兵 | [107] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
凯煦和卡汉活着 | [7] | [24] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||||
康格雷帕克共产党 | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
布哈里伊玛目大会 | [108] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
康格雷拯救革命运动组织 | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
真主党旅 | [1][2][3] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
卡利斯坦突击队 | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
卡利斯坦万岁力量 | [8] | [13] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
伊斯兰协会 | [4] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
伊朗库尔德斯坦科马拉党 | [109][110] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
朝鲜人民军 | [111] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
三K党 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
库尔德斯坦社群联盟 | [53] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
库尔德斯坦民主党/北方 | [53] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
库尔德斯坦自由之鹰 | [8] | [4] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
库尔德斯坦工人党 | [9] | [7] | [8] | [112] | [113][10] | [114] | [53] | [4] | [6] | |||||||||||||||
虔诚军 | [9] | [7] | [13] | [14] | [1][2][3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||
羌城军 | [9] | [7] | [4] | [5] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||
泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织 | [115] | [7] | [8] | [13] | [4] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||
利比亚伊斯兰战斗团体 | [4] | [5] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||||
保王派志愿力量 | [4] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
卢甘斯克人民共和国 | [55] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
印度尼西亚圣战士委员会 | [116] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
曼尼普尔人民解放阵线 | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
印度毛主义共产主义中心 | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
马列主义共产党 | [53] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
摩洛哥伊斯兰战斗团体 | [4] | [5] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||||
西非唯一和圣战运动 | [7] | [5] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||||
东印度尼西亚圣战者 | [4] | [117] | [41] | |||||||||||||||||||||
耶路撒冷郊区圣战者舒拉委员会 | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
穆斯林兄弟会 | [118] | [27] | [14] | [17] | [1][2][3] | |||||||||||||||||||
民族行动 | [4] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
波多兰民族民主阵线 | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
民族解放军 | [7] | [8] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||||
特里普拉民族解放阵线 | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
橙色志愿者 | [4] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
巴勒斯坦解放阵线 | [7] | [24] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||||
巴勒斯坦伊斯兰圣战运动 | [9] | [7] | [8] | [4] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||
巴勒斯坦救援和发展基金会 | [24] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
库尔德斯坦自由生活党 | [119] | [119] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
伊奇克里亚和达吉斯坦人民大会 | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
曼尼普尔人民解放军 | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
伊朗人民圣战者组织 | [120] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
康格雷帕克人民革命军 | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
解放巴勒斯坦人民阵线 | [7] | [8] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||||
解放巴勒斯坦人民阵线-总指挥部 | [7] | [8] | [69] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||||
承诺日旅 | [1] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
临时爱尔兰共和军 | [4] | [121] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
圣城军 | [7] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
真正爱尔兰共和军 | [4] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
红手突击队 | [4] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
红手保卫者 | [4] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
哥伦比亚革命武装力量-人民军 | [7] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
十一月十七日革命组织 | [122] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
库尔德斯坦革命党 | [53] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
革命人民解放党-阵线 | [8] | [53] | [4] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||||
革命斗争 | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
自由爱尔兰 | [4] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
拯救派 | [4] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
唯一-你好 (圣城军) | [53] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
阿什塔尔旅 | [123] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
精选旅 | [124] | [124] | [124] | |||||||||||||||||||||
秘鲁共产党 (光辉道路)[125] | [7] | [8] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||||
班加西革命者舒拉委员会[126] | [126] | [126] | [126] | |||||||||||||||||||||
巴基斯坦先知同伴守护者 | [4] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
伊斯兰遗产复兴协会 | [14] | [5] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
阿克萨基金会 (荷兰) | [8] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
印度学生伊斯兰委员会 | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
高加索联合圣战者力量最高军事议会舒拉 | [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
沙姆解放组织 | [127] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
塔利班 | [7] | [10] | [27] | [14] | [1][2][3] | |||||||||||||||||||
执行伊斯兰教法运动 | [4] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
巴基斯坦塔利班运动 | [7] | [1][2][3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | |||||||||||||||||||
泰米尔纳德解放军 | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
泰米尔民族拯救部队 | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
坦基姆 | [24] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
阿尔斯特防卫协会 | [4] | [128] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
阿尔斯特志愿者力量 | [4] | [128] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
阿萨姆联合解放阵线 | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
联合民族解放阵线 | [13] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
哥伦比亚联合自卫力量 | [7] | [6] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
征服先锋 | [7] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
朝鲜劳动党 | [129] | [130] | [111] | [131] | [132] | |||||||||||||||||||
世界泰米尔运动 | [7] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
世界维吾尔青年大会 | [56] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
耶尔穆克烈士旅 | [133] |
组织 | 欧盟 | 南非 | 英国 | 美国 | 印度 | |
非洲人国民大会 | 1961年12月16日-1990年2月11日[134] | 1988年8月[135]-2008年[136][137] | ||||
奥姆真理教 | ?-2011年7月18日 [138] | |||||
哥伦比亚联合自卫力量 | ?-2011年7月18日 [138] | 2001年-2014年 | ||||
解放巴勒斯坦民主阵线 | 1997年8月10日-1999年8月10日 | |||||
巴勒斯坦民族解放运动 | ||||||
辛奈乌特雷普民族解放委员会 | 2000年11月16日[139]-2011年[140] | |||||
凯煦和卡汉活着 | ?-2010年7月12日[141][142] | |||||
日本赤军 | 1997年10月8日-2001年10月8日[143] | |||||
红色高棉 | 1997年10月8日-1999年10月8日[143] | |||||
曼努埃尔·罗德里格斯爱国阵线 | 1997年10月8日-1999年10月8日[143] | |||||
伊朗人民圣战者组织 | 2002年5月-2009年1月26日[144] | 2001年3月28日-2008年6月24日[144] | 1997年7月8日-2012年9月28日 | |||
伊朗全国抵抗委员会 | 2003年8月15日[145]-2012年9月28日 | |||||
巴勒斯坦解放阵线 | ?-2010年7月12日[141][142] | |||||
巴勒斯坦解放组织 | 1988年[146]-1991年[147] | |||||
革命核心 | 1997年8月10日-2009年5月18日[143] | |||||
图帕克·阿马鲁革命运动 | 1997年8月10日-2001年10月8日[143] | |||||
红色旅 | 1970年8月-?[143] | |||||
哥伦比亚革命武装力量-人民军 | 2001年-2017年11月13日[148] | |||||
尼泊尔联合共产党(毛主义) | ?-2012年9月6日[149] |
- 九一一袭击事件
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^ مجلس الوزراء يعتمد قائمة التنظيمات الإرهابية.. Emirates News Agency (WAM). 15 November 2014 [16 November 2014]. (原始内容存档于17 November 2014). 已忽略未知参数|df=
^ UAE publishes list of terrorist organisations. Gulf News. 15 November 2014 [16 November 2014]. (原始内容存档于17 November 2014). 已忽略未知参数|df=
^ UAE cabinet endorses new list of terrorist groups. Kuwait News Agency. 15 November 2014 [16 November 2014]. (原始内容存档于29 November 2014). 已忽略未知参数|df=
^ Proscribed terrorist groups (PDF). Home Office. [8 February 2017].
^ The List established and maintained by the 1267/1989 Committee. United Nations Security Council Committee 1267. UN.org. 14 October 2015 [24 October 2015]. (原始内容存档于2 January 2016). 已忽略未知参数|df=
^ Foreign Terrorist Organizations. State.gov. [7 February 2017].
^ Currently listed entities. Publicsafety.gc.ca. [10 November 2014].
^ Eur-Lex - - En. Eur-lex.europa.eu. [2014-02-19]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-22).
^ Listed terrorist organisations. Australian National Security. [7 February 2017].
^ 10.0010.0110.0210.0310.0410.0510.0610.0710.0810.0910.1010.1110.12 Public Security Intelligence Agency
^ Agnad Misr officially labelled a terrorist group. Al-Ahram. 22 March 2014 [11 March 2015].
^ Terrorist Designations of Ajand Misr and Ibrahim al-Rubaysh. State.gov. 18 December 2014 [28 January 2015].
^ 13.0013.0113.0213.0313.0413.0513.0613.0713.0813.0913.1013.1113.1213.1313.1413.1513.1613.1713.1813.1913.2013.2113.2213.2313.2413.2513.2613.2713.2813.2913.30 Banned Organisations. Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs. 30 March 2015 [30 November 2016].
^ 14.0014.0114.0214.0314.0414.0514.0614.0714.0814.0914.1014.1114.1214.1314.1414.1514.1614.1714.1814.1914.20 Single federal list of organizations recognized as terrorist by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. fsb.ru. [2015-03-10].
^ 15.015.1 Government bans three alleged terrorist groups. BBC. 2014-04-02 [2014-04-04].
^ Terrorist Designation of the al-Mulathamun Battalion. State.gov. 18 December 2013 [5 November 2014].
^ Saudi Arabia designates Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group. Reuters. 2014-03-07.
^ Turkey blacklists al-Nusra Front as terror group. Al Akhbar. 3 June 2014 [3 June 2014].
^ 3 Haziran 2014 Tarihli ve 29019 Sayılı Resmî Gazete (土耳其文)
^ 20.020.1 Security Council Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee Amends Entry of One Entity on Its Sanctions List - UN Security Council, 30 May 2013. Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York
^ Terrorist Designations of the al-Nusrah Front as an Alias for al-Qa'ida in Iraq. United States Department of State. [28 June 2013].
^ Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. Commission of the European Communities. 20 October 2004 [11 June 2007]. (原始内容 (DOC)存档于14 June 2007). 已忽略未知参数|df=
^ Moody, John. Iran Wants to Talk With U.S.; Just Not About Nukes. Fox News. 12 June 2007 [25 December 2013]. (原始内容存档于25 December 2013).[...] Al Qaeda, which Shiite-dominated Iran considers a terrorist organization [...]
^ Summary of indictments against Al-Qaeda terrorists in Samaria. Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 21 March 2006 [2011-05-04].
^ Wayback Machine. Web.archive.org. [2017-08-29]. (原始内容存档于10 August 2014). 已忽略未知参数|df=
^ Diplomatic Bluebook. B. Terrorist Attacks in the United States and the Fight Against Terrorism (PDF). 2002 [June 11, 2007]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于June 14, 2007).
^ Fight against terrorism and extremism in Kazakhstan. Mfa.gov.kz. [23 November 2015]. (原始内容存档于14 November 2015). 已忽略未知参数|df=
^ http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/xwfw_665399/s2510_665401/2535_665405/t819914.shtml
^ Korean Foreign Ministry. Seoul confirms release of two Korean hostages in Afghanistan. 14 August 2007 [2007-09-16]. (原始内容存档于2007-12-15).
^ Resolutions adopted by the United Nations Security Council since 1946. Un.org. [19 February 2014].
^ 31.031.1 Youssef, Nancy A.; Adam Baron. Saudi Arabia declares Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group. Kansas City Star. 7 March 2014 [8 March 2014]. (原始内容存档于8 March 2014).
^ State Department Terrorist Designations. State.gov. 2016-06-30 [2016-06-30].
^ List of Banned Organisations. Ministry of Home Affairs, GoI. Government of India. [3 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于3 May 2018).
^ Ansar al-Shari'a Organizations and Leaders Terrorist Designations of Three Ansar al-Shari'a Organizations and Leaders. U.S. Department of State. 2014-01-10 [2014-08-11].
^ BBC News - Tunisia declares Ansar al-Sharia a terrorist group. Bbc.co.uk. 2013-08-27 [2014-02-19].
^ US Declares Ansar al-Sharia a Terrorist Organization. Tunisia Live. [2014-02-19].
^ Egyptian court says Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis a terrorist organization. Egypt Independent. 14 April 2014.
^ Terrorist Designations of Ansar al-Dine. State.gov. [2014-02-19].
^ State Department Designation of Ansarul Islam. State.gov. [2018-02-20].
^ 40.040.1 US names Boko Haram as 'terror organisation' - Africa. Al Jazeera English. [2014-02-19].
^ Designations of Foreign Terrorist Fighters. State.gov. 2015-09-29 [2014-09-29].
^ 42.042.1 http://www.irna.ir/ar/News/82933205
^ National Police Agency (Japan) (2009), "The White Paper on Police 2009(平成21年警察白書,Heisei Nijūichi nen Keisatsu Hakusyo), GYOSEI Corporation, English p. 160.
^ Russia bans murderous Japanese sect Aum Shinrikyo as terrorist group, RT
^ https://foreignpolicy.com/2016/03/31/balochistan-is-seething-and-that-cant-make-china-happy-about-investing/
^ https://foreignpolicy.com/2016/03/31/balochistan-is-seething-and-that-cant-make-china-happy-about-investing/
^ Security Council Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee Adds Boko Haram to Its Sanctions List - UN Security Council, 22 May 2014. Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York
^ Security Council Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee Adds Boko Haram to Its Sanctions List. [8 January 2014].
^ Foreign Terrorist Organizations. Bureau of Counterterrorism, United States Department of State. [28 July 2014].
^ Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011) concerning Al-Qaida and associated individuals and entities: QE.E.131.11. EMARAT KAVKAZ. United Nations. 29 July 2011. (原始内容存档于5 November 2014). 已忽略未知参数|df=
^ Designation of Caucasus Emirate. United States Department of State. [26 May 2011].
^ Ballaran, Jhoanna. Duterte declares CPP, NPA as terrorist organizations. Philippine Daily Inquirer. 5 December 2017 [5 December 2017].
^ 53.0053.0153.0253.0353.0453.0553.0653.0753.0853.0953.10 [1] 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期January 14, 2013,.
^ https://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2011/10/175362.htm U.S. Department of State
^ 55.055.1 Ukraine's prosecutor general classifies self-declared Donetsk and Luhansk republics as terrorist organizations. Kyiv Post. 16 May 2014.
^ China seeks int'l support in counter-terrorism(12/15/03). China-embassy.org. 2003-12-15 [2014-02-19].
^ Commission Regulation (EC) No 1754/2002 of 1 October 2002 amending for the fourth time Council Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 imposing certain specific restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities associated with Usama bin Laden, the Al-Qaida network and the Taliban, and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 467/200. EUR-Lex. 2002-10-01 [2017-02-19].
^ China, Turkey underscore security, counter-terrorism cooperation
^ Terrorist Exclusion List. Bureau of Counterterrorism. 2004-12-29 [2012-09-11].
^ East Turkistan Liberation Organization (ETLO) Globalsecurity.org
^ Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011) concerning Al-Qaida and associated individuals and entities: QE.E.88.02. EASTERN TURKISTAN ISLAMIC MOVEMENT. United Nations. 7 April 2011 [2 September 2014]. (原始内容存档于5 November 2013). 已忽略未知参数|df=
^ Yermukanov, Marat. Kazakhstan and Turkey search for common ground. Eurasia Daily Monitor. Jamestown Foundation. 4 May 2005.Kazakhstan has officially banned the Kurdish People's Congress and the Turkish nationalist Boz Gurt (Grey Wolves) organization for being "terrorist organizations."
^ Turkey officially designates Gulen religious group as terrorists. Reuters. 31 May 2016 [28 February 2017].
^ Australia lists Hamas as terrorist organisation. Big News Network. 26 July 2014 [2 September 2014].
^ EU court upholds Hamas terror listing. The Guardian. The Guardian. 26 July 2017 [26 July 2017].
^ teror16.11.xls. Ministry of Defense (Israel). [2014-11-28] (Hebrew、Arabic及English).several declared terrorist organisations are listed amongst many declarations of "association/united group, not, allowed" or, in other words, declarations of an unlawful/illegal organisation - and maybe with other information as well in a large spreadsheet
引文格式1维护:未识别语文类型 (link)
^ Japan's Diplomatic Bluebook 2005 (PDF). 2005. "In accordance with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law, it [Japan] has frozen the assets of a total of 472 terrorists and terrorist organizations, including ..., as well as those of Hamas ..."
^ Michael Penn, Japan and the War on Terror: Military Force and Political Pressure in the US-Japanese Alliance, I.B.Tauris 2014 p.206
^ 69.069.1 Home Office: Proscribed Terrorist Organisations (PDF). Gov.uk. 20 June 2014 [7 November 2014]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于15 August 2014). 已忽略未知参数|df=
^ Microsoft Word - RC CRT 2005-Entire S Version-4 27.doc (PDF). [2017-08-29].
^ 71.071.1 Designations of Foreign Terrorist Fighters. US Department of State. 24 September 2014 [25 September 2014].
^ State Department Terrorist Designations of Ismail Haniyeh, Harakat al-Sabireen, Liwa al-Thawra, and Harakat Sawa'd Misr (HASM). [2 February 2018].
^ A. EGYPT: Cairo calls Hezbollah terrorist organization - latimes.com. Latimesblogs.latimes.com. 2009-04-13 [2014-02-19].
^ EGYPT: Cairo calls Hezbollah terrorist organization - latimes.com. Latimesblogs.latimes.com. 2009-04-13 [2014-02-19].
^ Fitch, Asa; Dana Ballout. Gulf Cooperation Council Labels Hezbollah a Terrorist Group. The Wall Street Journal. 2 March 2016 [1 December 2016]. .
^ Jim Muir. BBC News - EU ministers agree to blacklist Hezbollah's armed wing. Bbc.co.uk. 2013-07-22 [2014-02-19].
^ Policy paper: Proscribed terrorist groups or organisations. Gov.uk. 15 July 2016 [19 February 2014].
^ www.jamestown.org/single/?no_cache=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=999#.Vu3sGGfmrug
^ www.jamestown.org/single/?no_cache=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=999#.Vu3sGGfmrug
^ https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-politics-islam-idUSPEK13637820080707
^ www.jamestown.org/single/?no_cache=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=999#.Vu3sGGfmrug
^ http://www.hizb-ut-tahrir.info/en/index.php/press-releases/tunisia/28.html
^ Challenging the Demonisation of the Caliphate. Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain. 28 June 2014 [1 March 2016].
^ Ahmed, Houriya; Stuart, Hannah. Hizb Ut-Tahrir Ideology and Strategy (PDF). Henry Jackson Society. 2009: 108 [28 January 2016].[Taji Mustafa being interviewed on BBC Today programme] the idea of a Caliphate – a unifying authority for which the Muslim world…which we think will bring stability – these basic ideas of Islam which enjoy popular support, are now being labelled as beyond the pale – as terrorism.
^ US adds 4 Indian outfits to terror list. www.rediff.com. [2016-10-01].
^ 86.086.1 Three groups active in Xinjiang banned. Dawn News. 24 October 2013 [1 December 2016].
^ Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Bahrain announce addition of two entities, eleven individuals to their lists of terrorism, Saudi Press Agency.
^ Arab states blacklist Islamist groups, individuals in Qatar boycott, Reuters.
^ https://www.treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Pages/sm0177.aspx
^ Egypt brands jihadist ISIL a 'terrorist group'. Hürriyet Daily News. 30 November 2014.
^ Wahlisch, Martin. EU Terrorist Listing - An Overview about Listing and Delisting Procedures (PDF). Berghof Peace Support. Berghof Foundation. 2010 [3 November 2014].
^ PTI. India bans IS. The Hindu (Chennai, India). 2014-12-16 [16 December 2014].
^ Ya'alon declared the organization "Islamic State" as a terrorist organization: Report. haaretz. 3 September 2014 [3 September 2014].
^ イスラム国メッセージ「日本にとっての悪夢が始まるのだ」. スポニチ. 2015-02-02 [2015-10-13]. (原始内容存档于17 October 2015). 已忽略未知参数|df=
^ 【イスラム国】機関誌で「日本攻撃」呼び掛け. 産経ニュース. 2015-09-10 [2015-11-01].
^ Xi Jinping's speech on the event of a Chinese citizen being killed by terrorist organization. www.mfa.gov.cn. [14 December 2016] (中文).
^ IS叫戰 點名台灣 - 蘋果日報.
^ Paul SungResearch Intern. South Korea Confronts Islamist Terror. The Daily Caller. 2016-08-04 [2017-08-29].
^ http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2014/06/20140603-16-1.pdf
^ Foreign Terrorist Organization Designation of ISIL - Khorasan (ISIL-K). State.gov. 2016-01-14 [2016-01-14].
^ 101.0101.1 Terrorist Designations of ISIL-Yemen, ISIL-Saudi Arabia, and ISIL-Libya. U.S. Department of State. 19 May 2016 [1 December 2016].
^ State Department Terrorist Designations of the Tariq Gidar Group and Jama'at ul Dawa al-Qu'ran. State.gov. 2016-05-25 [2016-05-29].
^ State Department Terrorist Designation of Jama'at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM). U.S. State Department. 5 September 2018.
^ State Department Terrorist Designations of Jamaat-ul-Ahrar and Mohamed Abrini. State.gov. 2016-08-03 [2016-08-05].
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^ State Department Terrorist Designation of Jund al-Aqsa. State.gov. 2016-09-20 [2017-02-19].
^ Iran Hails US Decision to Label Jundallah "Terrorist" Group. Al-Manar. 2010-11-04 [2013-12-25]. (原始内容存档于2010-11-13).
^ . U.S. Department of State Department Terrorist Designation of Katibat al-Imam al-Bukhari https://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2018/03/279454.htmtitle=State Department Terrorist Designation of Katibat al-Imam al-Bukhari 请检查|url=
值 (帮助). 22 March 2018. 缺少或|title=
为空 (帮助)
^ Sheridan, Michael. Four 'assassins' funded by Komala militant in UK arrested in Iran, state-run media. NY Daily News (New York). 2010-11-05 [2013-12-25]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-25).
^ Iran scorned for hangings despite stay. UPI (United Press International). 2011-05-02 [2013-12-25]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-25).
^ 111.0111.1 이재영. 조선로동당 규약이 성역인가. Redian. [2017-08-29]. (韓文)
^ Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). Australian National Security. 2012-08-17 [2013-12-25]. (原始内容存档于5 October 2013). 已忽略未知参数|df=
^ Implementation of the Measures including the Freezing of Assets against Terrorists and the Like. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. 5 July 2002 [21 November 2013].
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^ [2] 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期December 3, 2013,.
^ State Department Terrorist Designations of Marwan Ibrahim Hussayn Tah al-Azawi and Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia. U.S. Department of State. 12 June 2017.
^ UNSC sanctions. [19 July 2016].
^ Egypt designates Muslim Brotherhood as terrorist group. Reuters. 25 December 2013.
^ 119.0119.1 Narina, E. Kurdish prisoner executed in Iran. WashingtonTV. 30 January 2010 [25 December 2013]. (原始内容存档于25 December 2013). 已忽略未知参数|df=
^ Theodoulou, Michael. US move to delist MEK as terror group worries Iran's opposition. The National (Abu Dhabi) (Abu Dhabi Media). 2011-07-26 [2013-12-26].The MEK, dedicated to overthrowing Iran's Islamic regime and considered a terrorist group by Iran [...]
^ U.S. Department of Homeland Security – Terrorist Organization Reference Guide January 2004, p119 (PDF). U.S. Department of Homeland Security. January 2004.
^ Proscribed terrorist groups. British Home Office. May 7, 2010.
^ State Department Terrorist Designation of al-Ashtar Brigades (AAB). U.S. State Department. 10 July 2018.
^ 124.0124.1124.2 https://aawsat.com/english/home/article/1226801/bahrain-terrorist-group-affiliated-%E2%80%98saraya-al-mukhtar%E2%80%99-referred-judiciary?amp
^ 'Shining Path' (西班牙語:Sendero Luminoso) is the name given by Peruvian mass media and government sources to the Maoist Communist Party of Peru.
^ 126.0126.1126.2126.3 Kingdom, UAE, Bahrain, Egypt add 9 entities, 9 individuals to lists of terrorist groups
^ US declares newly merged Syrian jihadist group a terrorist organization
^ 128.0128.1 Terrorist Exclusion List, US State Department
^ Australia expands sanctions on North Korea - Government of the Commonwealth of Australia
^ EU further expands sanctions against Democratic People’s Republic of Korea - Lexlogy
^ UN Sanctions on North Korea
^ North Korea Sanctions -Tresaury.gov
^ State Department Terrorist Designation of the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade. State.gov. 2016-06-09 [2017-03-12].
^ Documented proof of ANC's sabotage plans - The O'Malley Archives.
^ Windrem, Robert. US government considered Nelson Mandela a terrorist until 2008. NBC News. [11 December 2013]. (原始内容存档于10 December 2013).
^ US shamed by Mandela terror link. BBC News. 10 April 2008.
^ Mandela taken off US terror list. BBC News. 1 July 2008.
^ 138.0138.1 Eur-Lex. Eur-lex.europa.eu. [19 February 2014]. (原始内容存档于13 February 2013).
^ Hynniewtrep National Liberation Council(HNLC). Satp.org. [2014-02-19].
^ Central panel seeks reply from Ulfa on ban. timesofindia.indiatimes.com. 14 January 2011 [19 February 2014].
^ 141.0141.1 EUR-Lex - 32009D1004 - EN. Eur-lex.europa.eu. [19 February 2014]. (原始内容存档于13 February 2013).
^ 142.0142.1 Eur-Lex. Eur-lex.europa.eu. [19 February 2014]. (原始内容存档于13 February 2013).
^ 143.0143.1143.2143.3143.4143.5 Foreign Terrorist Organizations. US Department of State, Bureau of Counterterrorism. [1 December 2016].
^ 144.0144.1 Ben Smith, BRIEFING PAPER Number CBP 5020: The People's Mujahiddeen of Iran (PMOI) (PDF), The House of Commons Library research service, 7 March 2016 [5 December 2016]
^ Goulka, Jeremiah; Hansell, Lydia; Wilke, Elizabeth; Larson, Judith. The Mujahedin-e Khalq in Iraq: a policy conundrum (PDF). RAND Corporation. 2009. ISBN 978-0-8330-4701-4.
^ Title 22 > Chapter 61 > § 5201. Findings; determinations. Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School. [10 December 2013].
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^ https://www.dailysabah.com/europe/2017/11/14/eu-removes-colombias-farc-from-official-list-of-terror-groups
^ Delisting of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist). State.gov. 6 September 2012 [19 February 2014].
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