占族(占婆語:ꨂꨆꨴꨌꩃ ꨌꨌꩌꨚ Urang Campa[5][6]、越南語:người Chăm:高棉語:ជនជាតិចាម),東南亞民族,公元2世紀建古國占婆,至1471年被越南後黎朝瓦解成多個土司自治領地,1832年被越南阮朝改土歸流吞併滅國,今占人分佈於柬埔寨東部、越南中南部,總人口約50万。占婆語屬南岛语系,與印尼蘇門答臘島亞齊人的亞齊語最親近。原為印度教徒,9-10世紀兼信佛教,至17世紀末徹底變成穆斯林。
^Andaya, Leonard Y. Leaves of the same tree: trade and ethnicity in the Straits of Melaka. University of Hawaii Press. 2008: 44. ISBN 978-0-8248-3189-9.
^Reid, Anthony. Verandah of violence: the background to the Aceh problem. NUS Press. 2006: 8. ISBN 978-9971-69-331-2.
Britannica | Cham people
Cham Muslims of the Mekong Delta Book by Philip Taylor about the settlement history, religion, economic life and political relations of the Cham Muslims in the Mekong delta of Vietnam
尼日利亚人 · 越南印度人(英语:Indians in Vietnam) ·越南法国人(英语:French Vietnamese)(亚欧混血儿) ·越南朝鮮人(越南语:Người Triều Tiên tại Việt Nam)(越战韩越混血儿) ·越南日本人 ·(美亞人)
註1:語言歸屬有爭議 註2:與中國的少數民族之一土族并無關聯。越南有两个自称为土的族群,一个说与岱-侬语相近的土语,风俗上也十分相似,目前已归为岱依族。另一个自称为土的族群,其语言与越族、芒族相近,目前越南将其划分为单一民族。 註3:一些高棉語族戈都語支(越南语:Ngữ chi Cơ Tu),巴拿語支(英语:Bahnaric languages)和南岛语系马来-波利尼西亚语族占語支(法语:Langues chamiques)及壮侗语族的民族,如嘉莱族,埃地族,巴拿族,格贺族,墨侬族,斯丁族等民族,也被称呼為高地族。 註4:粗体字为越南为官方识别的54民族
佬族、傣族(裕人(英语:Tai Nyaw people)、普安人(泰语:ชาวไทพวน))、掸族(库拉人(英语:Kula people (Asia)))、泰族
南岛语系 马来多岛语族
柬埔寨印度人、柬埔寨法国人(英语:French language in Cambodia)、柬埔寨日本人(英语:Ethnic_groups_in_Cambodia#Ethnic_Groups_of_Cambodia) · 柬埔寨朝鲜人(英语:Ethnic_groups_in_Cambodia#Ethnic_Groups_of_Cambodia)
This article is part of a series on Information security Related security categories Internet security Cyberwarfare Computer security Mobile security Network security Threats Computer crime Vulnerability Eavesdropping Malware Spyware Ransomware Trojans Viruses Worms Rootkits Bootkits Keyloggers Screen scrapers Exploits Backdoors Logic bombs Payloads Denial of service Defenses Computer access control Application security Antivirus software Secure coding Secure by default Secure by design Secure operating systems Authentication Multi-factor authentication Authorization Data-centric security Encryption Firewall Intrusion detection system Mobile secure gateway Runtime application self-protection (RASP) v t e Information security , sometimes shortened to InfoSec , is the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction of information. Th...
For Lambak Kiri public housing area, see Lambak Kiri Landless Indigenous Citizens' Housing Scheme. Village in Brunei-Muara, Brunei Lambak Kiri Village Location in Brunei Coordinates: 4°59′26″N 114°57′04″E / 4.990472°N 114.951114°E / 4.990472; 114.951114 Coordinates: 4°59′26″N 114°57′04″E / 4.990472°N 114.951114°E / 4.990472; 114.951114 Country Brunei District Brunei-Muara Mukim Berakas A Government • Village head Hamdani Omar Postcode BB1214 Lambak Kiri is a populated place in Brunei-Muara District, Brunei. It is officially a village subdivision under Berakas A, a mukim in the district. Lambak Kiri may also refer to the greater area which includes the Lambak Kiri public housing area of the Landless Indigenous Citizens' Housing Scheme (Malay: Skim Tanah Kurnia Rakyat Jati ), although the latter is a separate subdivision. Contents 1 Name 2 Administration 3 See also 4 References Name ...
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